Why is it that, for so many people, the glass seems half empty instead half full? Why do so many of us go straight to the worst-case scenario?
Why isn’t it a thing to go to the best-case scenario? Or, more directly: what we really want?
I remember a time when I had certain beliefs, ideas, and stories I’d ride or die with. For example, I thought I was a good person only if I sacrificed myself for others’ benefits. And of course, that meant putting my own needs on the back burner.
In time, I came to realize that was not serving me, or anyone else for that matter. I was only hurting myself because I was not being honest with myself about what I truly wanted.
I didn’t yet realize that if I focused on the goodness in life, more would come. However, I soon discovered a new way to be.
Your dominant perspective is everything, so pay close attention to it. In the end, it really just comes down to what we want to create. It all starts with your focus.
Where are you placing most of your attention?
One of my spiritual mentors, Kerry K., said this, “When you ponder something you entertain it energetically.” Meaning, if you can shift your focus and look at something that seems to be a pattern in your life differently then there is potential to shift the feeling of it. Which is the very thing that will shift the reality of it too.
Everything that comes into physical form starts as an energy. Energy is behind everything in our lives but yet we don’t normally acknowledge it because we can’t attach an intellectual understanding to it. It’s also highly based on an individual’s personal experience so again very hard to say what it’s like for everyone.
Stretching into this new perspective may feel awkward, especially if you’ve been identifying with your stories for a long time. But, it doesn’t have to be.
We can simply shift our focus and then change our perception and watch our lives unfold into what we truly desire. What naturally aligns energetically to you. This is what’s truly real for you. When we can cultivate change from the inside we soon experience our outside world change with it.
So in essence begin to allow the reality you want to live in. Acknowledge what is in your life, switch your focus to what could flourish and grow in your life (like your own personal growth) and then nourish it everyday.
If you'd like to learn more about how you can cultivate a relationship with yourself to bring in more goodness and the life you desire pick up your copy of Finally Thriving here!
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