Cultivating Self Love:  The Art Of Coming Back To Yourself with Allison Pelot
9:00 AM09:00

Cultivating Self Love: The Art Of Coming Back To Yourself with Allison Pelot

How can we begin to cultivate more compassion and forgiveness for ourselves for what we had to do to survive so we can move forward with more courage and willingness to be where we are? 

Self love is about being honest with yourself even if it feels incredibly uncomfortable.  

Appreciating all the parts of yourself so you can experience gratitude authentically.  This allows you more capacity to receive love in your life because you're no longer rejecting and resisting the parts you don't like about yourself.  

Self love is not just about rainbows and roses either.  It's about how real you can get real with yourself.  How raw and honest you can be about where you are and how you feel in every moment of your life. It's about honoring yourself even when it may not be in agreement with others.  

We'll explore this together in this workshop and come out the other side with a deeper understanding as to what self love really feels and looks like for you.

Allison Pelot lives in Portland.  She's the author of Amazon best seller, Finally Thriving and the creator of the Finally Thriving Online Community.  

She has been a seasoned holistic personal trainer and a personal growth guide for over 20 years.  She teaches you how to connect deeply with yourself by creating a self care practice that will both nurture your spirit and honor your personal expression.  

Allison empowers people to feel creative, get curious about their health and excited to express themselves in a way that is deeply healing.  She believes that honoring yourself is the quickest way to become the highest version of yourself.

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to Apr 19

Ground + Connect Women's Wellness Retreat

Ground + Connect Women’s Wellness Retreat | April 17-19, 2020

North Fork 53 | Nehalem, Oregon


Join me for a fun filled weekend wellness retreat in beautiful Nehalem Oregon. We’ll take a coastal hike together, eat organic farm to table food and create space for rest, relaxation and sauna as well as an optional tea tour and tasting.


I’ll be leading daily movement sessions themed free your feet and open your hips as well as group wellness coaching circles. You’ll have plenty of time to explore the land, take a tea tour or if you want you can just relax and be.

Each day will include mindful movement, farm to table meals, meditation, locally farmed teas, wellness coaching, sauna time, rest, relaxation and grounding. Then I’ll take you on one of my favorite coastal hikes with some of the most beautiful views.

My intention is to show you how to get grounded with nature, creating a sense of deep calm and relaxation. As well as creating the space to connect with yourself and play.


More About Our Coastal Hike

The North Oregon Coast is a nature lover’s paradise with lush coastal rainforests and open stretches of untouched beaches. The hike we’ll be taking together will remind you of a tropical island without the humidity and with all the beauty. We’ll make our way to a view point that will blow your mind.

This Retreat Includes:

  • All level restorative free your feet and open your hips movement sessions

  • Healthy, nutritious and delicious farm to table meals

  • Plenty of time to enjoy the earth, read, relax and enjoy the sauna

  • Coastal hike

  • Group wellness coaching circle

  • Tea and grounding meditation

  • Your stay for 2 nights in a beautiful bed and breakfast

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North Fork 53 is a coastal retreat and tea garden located 90 minutes outside Portland, Oregon

Years ago Ginger Edwards and her husband had a dream of creating a farm based wellness center and have since made this dream come to life offering a sacred intentional space for wellness, relaxation, learning, permaculture and plant medicine.

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Pricing & Accommodations

Early Bird | $575

After February 15th | $650

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10:00 AM10:00

Get Fit After Giving Birth

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Join Doctor of Physical Therapy, Michelle Gilpin and mother of one and Certified Personal Trainer, Allison Pelot mother of two for a workshop about how to build a fitness foundation after pregnancy.

They'll be sharing crucial information and exercises that you need to know to build your core and hip strength and stability after pregnancy.

So many women experience a lack of stability and strength after they have a baby because they're not taught how to strengthen the pelvic floor, core and hips after pregnancy.

This workshop will address topics like back pain, diastasis, leaking, and how to get on track to a fit and healthy life after having a baby. Separate fact from fiction and allow them to provide you with simple exercises to get you feeling your best. 

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9:00 AM09:00

Handstand Workshop

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Join Allison Pelot and Dr. Seth Watterson for a workshop series exploring the foundational biomechanics of a handstand. Our intention is to help you gain more confidence, shoulder stability, core strength and dynamic stability in your handstand.

All levels are welcome! You don’t have to have any handstand experience to join this class. Just the desire and willingness to get started. We’ll provide you with all the tools to begin a safe and stable handstand practice.

We’ll be covering tips to improve positioning in aims to building more integrated strength and efficiency. As well as covering program designs that will help you overcome common weaknesses that might be holding you back.

We’ll explore wrist, shoulder and core mobility and strength and we’ll provide you with self assessment tools that will help you discover where you are in the process and where you need to focus.

We'll then teach you how to kick up to and fall out of a handstand and develop the confidence and strength to hold a handstand for longer lengths of time with a wall.

What you'll get is

  • A step by step process to developing your handstand

  • You'll learn self assessment strategies so you're vulnerabilities are exposed and you're better able to address them

  • You'll gain more body awareness in your core, hips and shoulders.

  • You're posture will improve

  • Strategies for re-patterning your breathing

  • More confidence and safety around your handstand practice.

  • A direction on where you can begin to focus so you can hold your handstand longer with more strength and without any pain.

Cost: $150

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Handstand Mechanics Workshop Series
to Jan 23

Handstand Mechanics Workshop Series

New Workshop Series! January 2019

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Join Allison Pelot and Dr. Seth Watterson for a workshop series exploring the foundational biomechanics of a handstand. Our intention is to helping you gain more confidence, shoulder stability and core strength and dynamic stability in your handstand.

All levels welcome! You don’t have to have any handstand experience to join this class. Just the desire and willingness to get started. We’ll provide you will all the tools to begin a safe and stable handstand practice.

We’ll be covering tips to improve positioning in aims to building more integrated strength and efficiency. As well as covering program designs that will help you overcome common weaknesses that might be holding you back.

We’ll explore wrist, shoulder and core mobility and strength. As well as we’ll provide you with self assessment tools that will help you discover where you are in the process and where you need to focus.

Class will meet from 5:15pm to 6:30pm on January 9th, 16th and 23rd

Cost: $150

Location: Portland PACE

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to Nov 14

Handstand Mechanics Workshop Series

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Join Allison Pelot and Dr. Seth Watterson for a 4 week workshop exploring the foundational biomechanics of a handstand. Our intention is to helping you gain more confidence, shoulder stability and core strength and dynamic stability in your handstand.

All levels welcome!

We’ll be covering tips to improve positioning in aims to build more integrated strength and efficiency. As well as covering program designs to overcome common weaknesses that might be holding you back.

Class will meet every Wednesday from 5:15pm to 6:30pm for 4 weeks, October 24th - November 14th.

Cost: $150 for the entire 4 week series

Location: Portland PACE

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Nutrition for High Performance Women
10:00 AM10:00

Nutrition for High Performance Women

Do you skip meals because you're so busy?  Do you find yourself needing to take a nap in the middle of the day or you feel so overwhelmed by the end of the day you just can't fit one more thing in?  Do you find you're not recovering well from your workouts and even getting injured?  Do you get sick often?  

Do you want to have more energy to live the life you love?

This workshop is for every woman who wants to do it all and have the energy to do it.  It's for business owners, mothers, mothers who work, women who help other people and who want success.  Women who want to perform their best at everything they do.  

How do we take on the world, still have enough energy for ourselves and stay healthy?

In this workshop you'll learn how to eat for energy that is sustainable, keeping you healthy and performing at a high level.  There are two ways we can produce energy.  One way is through the stress hormone response which creates faster aging and more break down of the body and a slow down of the metabolism.  

The other way is through nourishing the symbiotic relationship between your liver and your thyroid.  This creates not only more energy but a slowing down of the aging process and an increase in your metabolic rate. 

In this workshop you'll learn about how the liver and thyroid work together to create lasting energy, raising body temperature and your metabolic rate.  We'll talk about how to avoid pre-mature aging issues like fatigue, varicose veins, wrinkles, liver spots and hair loss.  How by supporting the liver you can allow your body to naturally detox and repair more quickly.  Finally we'll talk about real foods that support your liver and thyroid and help them function better.  

You'll learn how to set healthy energetic boundaries, get clear on what you want and release what you don't want.

You'll walk away with an action plan and a deeper understanding of how you can make food work for your body and clarity around what you want and where you want to be.

Learn how you can do this and more!

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9:00 AM09:00

Reset Your Mindset Workshop

Start the new year out with real resolution by releasing and resolving any beliefs that no longer serve you so you can open up the potential to be your best self


We'll explore our own belief systems and how they can either limit or expand our potential to get healthy and create the body we desire. You'll walk away with a new healthy mindset, clarity on what you want to create and a solid action plan including simple nutrition steps you can start right away.



We'll explore the psychology of weight loss, look into our own self sabotaging beliefs and behaviors as well as learn about hormonal balancing with food and healthy habits.  You'll release what's really holding you back by unlocking your true potential.

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