From Surviving To Thriving

From Surviving To Thriving

Do you feel like you’re merely surviving and barely getting by?  Or are you doing fine physically but feeling unfulfilled mentally, emotionally, and spiritually?

If so, there’s something you need to know:  Surviving means having a reactive relationship to life.

In other words, automatically reacting to things without a lot of reflection.  If you want to upgrade your life significantly, you have to move from surviving to thriving.

The key to thriving is to relate proactively within your life:  Choosing what you would like to experience and then creating it or rather allowing it.

Believe it or not, this is how we are designed to live.  It’s actually more natural to thrive than merely to get by.

Create A Beautiful Body With Accountability

I think accountability, which is the act of being responsible for one’s self, is a practice and depending on where we start and how well we know ourselves, it’s a process.

According to Brene Brown accountability is connected to courage. She explains since accountability opposes blame, we can see how not having accountability can keep us in a victimhood state of mind. One that paralyzes us and keeps us in shame without being able to move forward and find resolution.

I’ve gone through this myself and with many of my clients. Accountability is hard and most of the time we need someone to walk us through it if we’re not sure where to start.

It's Time To Rethink Optimal Health

It's Time To Rethink Optimal Health

TIn was 2004 I was at the peak of my form as a competitive bodybuilder. My body was sculpted because I'd followed conventional nutrition and training wisdom to a T.  I'd cut down to the lowest body fat percentage I’d ever been and  I had a physique that most people would die for but yet I was miserable. I felt tired, depleted and depressed.

This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. I’d lost weight, yes, but I’d also lost my energy and vitality. Something was clearly off.  How could my body look so good, and yet I felt so bad?

Heal Your Gut With This Simple Tool

Heal Your Gut With This Simple Tool

Carrots are pretty darn amazing. I discovered the hidden health benefits of carrots long ago when I was turned on to Ray Peat’s work. He talks about how the fiber in carrots are helpful for aiding the excretion of harmful bacteria in the gut.

This is a big deal because the fiber that we’re recommended to eat to maintain a “so called” healthy diet does not have the same properties as the fiber you find in the carrot.

Instead the fiber that’s recommended by mainstream nutritionists (starchy grains, green leafy veggies, fermented foods and cruciferous veggies) run the risk of sitting in the gut and putrefying if digestion is too slow. Leading to issues like leaky gut and bacterial overgrowth.

My New Years Reflection; What We Make Other People

My New Years Reflection;  What We Make Other People

It's not the New Years resolutions that are the problem, it's that what we think we're resolving is not really what needs to be resolved.  Reflection of self has to happen first before anything can be resolved.  Will power has nothing to do with it.  In fact, using will power to push through something you really don't want to do is not only unhealthy, it can be potentially damaging to the physical body. 

It distracts us from something deeper that's calling out to us for attention.  When we ignore this call, resistance is created and then failure of not following through comes next.  This could be why so many people only make it a few weeks.