nutrition coach

Create A Beautiful Body With Accountability

I think accountability, which is the act of being responsible for one’s self, is a practice and depending on where we start and how well we know ourselves, it’s a process.

According to Brene Brown accountability is connected to courage. She explains since accountability opposes blame, we can see how not having accountability can keep us in a victimhood state of mind. One that paralyzes us and keeps us in shame without being able to move forward and find resolution.

I’ve gone through this myself and with many of my clients. Accountability is hard and most of the time we need someone to walk us through it if we’re not sure where to start.

It's Time To Rethink Optimal Health

It's Time To Rethink Optimal Health

TIn was 2004 I was at the peak of my form as a competitive bodybuilder. My body was sculpted because I'd followed conventional nutrition and training wisdom to a T.  I'd cut down to the lowest body fat percentage I’d ever been and  I had a physique that most people would die for but yet I was miserable. I felt tired, depleted and depressed.

This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. I’d lost weight, yes, but I’d also lost my energy and vitality. Something was clearly off.  How could my body look so good, and yet I felt so bad?

Dairy's Not So Scary

Dairy's Not So Scary

Food sensitivities are a big deal and it seems the amount of people with food sensitivities are growing every day.  Since many issues are linked to food sensitivities, food elimination seems to be the most common approach, but I think there's so much more to consider first.

5 Simple Strategies For Increasing Your Metabolism

When I talk to my clients about nutrition initially, the first question I ask them is,

“How frequently are you eating?”  

They usually say not frequently enough and some even admit to waiting up to five hours between meals.

Could the key to a healthy metabolism really be as simple as food frequency?

The Many Benefits Of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of my favorite super foods.  With natural anti-oxidants which protect your body against free radicals, it’s my top choice for a healthy fat.

Veggie oils like soy and canola tend to increase free radicals in the body because of the extremely high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids they contain.  This can noticeably speed up the aging process and create inflammation.

Why coconut oil is healthy for you...

Unlike destructive veggie oils, coconut oil can actually slow down the aging process and prevent free radicals from being released through free fatty acid oxidation.

Coconut oil has the potential to balance hormones by boosting metabolism naturally and stimulating the thyroid.  Since the thyroid is the master regulator of the metabolism, stimulation of the thyroid can lead to weight loss.