Today we talk with Justin Michael who's a Universal Yoga teacher and a mushroom forger. He talks about how he experienced his younger years living on the road, traveling from place to place, living in nature, rock climbing and forging. He shares with us the esoteric teachings he's learned from his teachers, how these teachings have traditionally been pasted down and why you want to eventually have your own experience of yoga. He explains that the question you want to ask yourself is...
““Do you know your experience of Yoga?””
Justin says, " No one can enlighten us only we can enlighten ourselves by creating the space and time for that to happen". We talk about how we can use our life experiences to transcend the energy into something positive or we can stay stuck in our experiences.
Everything that we think and say has a certain vibration and energy to it depending on the strength of that thought and how long the thought has lingered.
Justin states that...
““Nothing is something worth doing””
because the boring and the ordinary are where the realization is. We're continually distracting ourselves from the commercials of our past events and the advertisements of our past histories. Whether it's negative or positive, it doesn't matter as long as we're holing on to it, we're not connecting with the space that exists in us.
It's only in the space that exists inside us that can accept others, can accept ourselves, can love others and can love ourselves. It's paradoxical because people are looking for all the techniques to get closer to the space but it's the techniques that keep them from the space. It's about creating that space for each other so we can all heal.
“Our body is the virtual reality glasses on our soul”
It's more about mindfulness and it's not as much about getting rid of the ego or anything for that matter. It's more about awareness. Realizing there's nothing wrong and there's nothing to do because everything is teaching us something.
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Ember Yoga:
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