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5 Simple Strategies For Increasing Your Metabolism

When I talk to my clients about nutrition initially, the first question I ask them is,

“How frequently are you eating?”  

They usually say not frequently enough and some even admit to waiting up to five hours between meals.

Could the key to a healthy metabolism really be as simple as food frequency?

5 Simple Tips To a Healthy Metabolism

When I talk to a client for the first time I always ask them, “How frequently are you eating?” They usually answer with, some days I wait up to 5 hours without eating.  I'm always blown away by this and at the same time share compassion.  We live in a busy time, this is why some people put off eating or taking care of themselves to get things done.  

But can you really get things done when you have no energy?  Nourishing yourself has to be a top priority if you're going to strive to have more energy and a healthy well functioning metabolism.  Contrary to popular belief, your body needs food on a regular basis in order to regulate your blood sugar and keep all systems functioning optimally.  

If you have trouble losing or gaining weight you may want to start by nourishing the body on a daily basis.  Eating a small meal every two hours then tapering off once your metabolism begins to function more efficiently.